Following game has been created as a project work for the course “Tik-76.030 Basic Course in Programming Y1” in Helsinki University of Technology. Game allows human player to challenge computer. During setting-up phase built-in logic assures that ships are not touching each other. When ship is sunk all squares around it are marked and neither human player nor computer can choose those squares to shoot anymore. Computer AI is rudimentary. It shoots randomly but never at the same square twice.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Naval Battle - Game class // version 1.0, build 29 // // Copyright 2000 Juri Stotski // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class Game { public static boolean hit = false; // determines if ship was shot or not public static boolean end = false; // determines the end of a game public static void main(String args[]) { Player human = new Player("Human"); // sets size of the game field and creates human player object Player robot = new Player("Robot"); // creates computer player object human.setShipHuman(4, 1); // builds human ships human.setShipHuman(3, 2); human.setShipHuman(2, 3); human.setShipHuman(1, 4); robot.setShipRobot(4, 1); // builds computer ships robot.setShipRobot(3, 2); robot.setShipRobot(2, 3); robot.setShipRobot(1, 4); do { // executes game do { // "human" player move if (robot.alive() && human.alive()) hit = robot.moveHuman(); } while (hit == true && robot.alive() && human.alive()); // will continue until first shot into an empty field or the end of the game do { // "computer" player move if (robot.alive() && human.alive()) hit = human.moveRobot(); } while (hit == true && robot.alive() && human.alive()); // will continue until first shot into an empty field or the end of the game } while (robot.alive() && human.alive()); // when all the ships of either of players are sank game ends if (!robot.alive()) human.end(); if (!human.alive()) robot.end(); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Naval Battle - Player class // version 1.0, build 29 // // Copyright 2000 Juri Stotski // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Player { public static final String ALPHA = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST"; // english alphabet from A to T, here can be also multi-national alphabets if they are supported by JAVA public static final String SPACE = "YES"; // screen buffer spacing, corrects screen fonts that may be too narrow, can have "YES and "NO" values public static final int SHIPS = 20; // number of all points under ships: 1x4 + 2x3 + 3x2 + 4x1 public static final int ROUND = 120; // number of all points under ships and around them public static final char lineX = '-'; // here can be pseudo-graphics for better UI look under Windows OS public static final char lineY = '|'; public static final char lineCornerUpL = '+'; public static final char lineCornerUpR = '+'; public static final char lineCornerDoL = '+'; public static final char lineCornerDoR = '+'; public static final char shipShips = 'S'; // how ships will look like on screen during construction and battle public static final char shipRound = '*'; public static final char shipShoot = 'X'; public static final char shipEmpty = ' '; public static int boardSize = 0; // the size of the game board public static char[][] boardBuff; // screen buffer with all screen data public static String errorLine = ""; // error message status bar public static String orderLine = ""; // orders bar private int[][] ships; // points with ships private int[][] round; // points with ships and around ships private int[][] shoot; // shot points during the game private int shift = 0; // "computer" relative to "human" game board shift, helps determine who-is-who and to update "boardBuff" array properly public Player(String name) { // creates player objects if (name.equals("Human")) { this.setBoardSize(9, 15); // asks user for the game board size, 9 is the minimun possible value, because at 8 there is no enough space on the board to build all the ships this.setBoardBuff(); // creates screen buffer } else shift = boardSize + 5; this.ships = new int[SHIPS][3]; // creates all arrays needed for ships construction and game this.round = new int[ROUND][3]; this.shoot = new int[boardSize][boardSize]; } public static void setBoardSize(int begin, int end) { // sets game board size in the beginning of the game errorLine = "No errors"; orderLine = "Set battle field size" + " [" + begin + "-" + end + "]: "; do { for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) System.out.print("\n"); // clears screen System.out.print("NAVAL BATTLE\n"); System.out.print("COPYRIGHT BY JURI STOTSKI, 2000\n\n"); System.out.print("ERRORS: " + errorLine + "\n"); System.out.print("ORDERS: " + orderLine); boardSize = Read.integer(); // uses rewrited code for better look and performance errorLine = "You entered wrong data, try again..."; } while (boardSize < begin || boardSize > end); } public static void setBoardBuff() { // creates screen buffer array that contains all the data about ships that can be shown to the user boardBuff = new char[boardSize * 2 + 8][boardSize + 3]; for (int i = 2; i < (2 + boardSize); i++) boardBuff[i][0] = ALPHA.charAt(i - 2); // horizontal and vertical lines of alphabet characters for (int j = 2; j < (2 + boardSize); j++) boardBuff[0][j] = ALPHA.charAt(j - 2); for (int i = 2; i < (2 + boardSize); i++) boardBuff[i][1] = lineX; // horizontal and vertical lines of borders for (int i = 2; i < (2 + boardSize); i++) boardBuff[i][2 + boardSize] = lineX; for (int j = 2; j < (2 + boardSize); j++) boardBuff[1][j] = lineY; for (int j = 2; j < (2 + boardSize); j++) boardBuff[2 + boardSize][j] = lineY; boardBuff[1][1] = lineCornerUpL; // corners, can be easily upgraded to use pseudo-graphics under Windows OS boardBuff[2 + boardSize][1] = lineCornerUpR; boardBuff[1][2 + boardSize] = lineCornerDoL; boardBuff[2 + boardSize][2 + boardSize] = lineCornerDoR; for (int i = 0; i < (3 + boardSize); i++) { // creates second ("computer") field by coping first for (int j = 0; j < (3 + boardSize); j++) { boardBuff[i + 5 + boardSize][j] = boardBuff[i][j]; } } } public void setShipHuman(int size, int quantity) { // creates "human" ships String tempCoord; // temp variable for user input boolean ok; for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { errorLine = "No errors"; orderLine = "Set " + buildShipName(size) + " " + (i + 1) + ", size " + size + " on the field [" + buildShipExample(size) + "]: "; do { ok = true; this.putBoardBuff(); tempCoord = Read.string().toUpperCase(); // can process mixed case strings if (ok == true) ok = buildCheckFormat(tempCoord); // checks the quality of the input coordinates if (ok == true) ok = buildCheckBended(tempCoord); // checks if coordinates represent bended ship if (ok == true) ok = buildCheckLength(tempCoord, size); // checks if coordinates represent ship that is longer or shorter than allowed "size" if (ok == true) ok = buildCheckRounds(tempCoord, size); // checks if coordinates represent ship that cannot be build on this place if (ok == true) { buildAddRound(tempCoord, size); // adds denied points to "round" variable array buildAddShips(tempCoord, size); // adds ship to "ships" variable array } else { errorLine = "Your coordinates are wrong, try again..."; } } while (!ok); if (size == 1 && i == 3) buildShipClear(); } } public void setShipRobot(int size, int quantity) { // automatic routine for "computer" ships construction, obeys all the rules int X1 = 0; // "X1" and "Y1" are random numbers, "X2" and "Y2" depend on "size" and "dir" variables' values int X2 = 0; int Y1 = 0; int Y2 = 0; int dir = 0; // random number, can have values from 0 to 3, which mean "up", "down", "right" and "left" directions of ship construction boolean ok; boolean ob; char[] tempArray = new char[5]; // simulates human player's input style [AA-AB] so the same check methods can be used for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { do { ok = true; X1 = (int) (boardSize * Math.random()); // gets random number from "0" to "boardSize - 1" Y1 = (int) (boardSize * Math.random()); // gets random number from "0" to "boardSize - 1" do { ob = true; dir = (int) (4 * Math.random()); if (dir == 0) { X2 = X1; Y2 = Y1 - size - 1; } if (dir == 1) { Y2 = Y1; X2 = X1 + size - 1; } if (dir == 2) { X2 = X1; Y2 = Y1 + size - 1; } if (dir == 3) { Y2 = Y1; X2 = X1 - size - 1; } if (X2 < 0 || X2 > (boardSize - 1)) ob = false; if (Y2 < 0 || Y2 > (boardSize - 1)) ob = false; } while (!ob); tempArray[0] = ALPHA.charAt(X1); tempArray[1] = ALPHA.charAt(Y1); tempArray[2] = '-'; tempArray[3] = ALPHA.charAt(X2); tempArray[4] = ALPHA.charAt(Y2); String tempCoord = new String(tempArray); if (ok == true) ok = buildCheckFormat(tempCoord); // a couple of simple rules that will not let user input data that looks bad if (ok == true) ok = buildCheckBended(tempCoord); // checks if coordinates represent bended ship if (ok == true) ok = buildCheckLength(tempCoord, size); // checks if coordinates represent ship that is longer or shorter than allowed "size" if (ok == true) ok = buildCheckRounds(tempCoord, size); // checks if coordinates represent ship that cannot be build on this place if (ok == true) { buildAddRound(tempCoord, size); // adds denied points to "round" variable array buildAddShips(tempCoord, size); // adds ship to "ships" variable array } } while (!ok); } } public String buildShipName(int size) { // returns ship's name based on its size if (size == 1) return "submarine"; if (size == 2) return "cruiser"; if (size == 3) return "destroyer"; return "battleship"; } public String buildShipExample(int size) { // interractive help, supports multi-national ALPHAs if (size == 1) return "" + ALPHA.charAt(0) + ALPHA.charAt(0) + "-" + ALPHA.charAt(0) + ALPHA.charAt(0); // "" + at the beginning needed to avoid interpretation of ALPHA.charAt(0) as a numeric (0-255) value if (size == 2) return "" + ALPHA.charAt(0) + ALPHA.charAt(0) + "-" + ALPHA.charAt(0) + ALPHA.charAt(1); if (size == 3) return "" + ALPHA.charAt(0) + ALPHA.charAt(0) + "-" + ALPHA.charAt(0) + ALPHA.charAt(2); return "" + ALPHA.charAt(0) + ALPHA.charAt(0) + "-" + ALPHA.charAt(0) + ALPHA.charAt(3); } public boolean buildCheckFormat(String tempCoord) { // a couple of simple rules that will not let user input data that looks bad if (tempCoord.length() != 5) return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(0)) == -1) return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(1)) == -1) return false; if (tempCoord.charAt(2) != '-') return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(3)) == -1) return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(4)) == -1) return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(0)) >= boardSize) return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(1)) >= boardSize) return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(3)) >= boardSize) return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(4)) >= boardSize) return false; return true; } public boolean buildCheckBended(String tempCoord) { // checks if coordinates represent bended ship if (tempCoord.charAt(0) != tempCoord.charAt(3) && tempCoord.charAt(1) != tempCoord.charAt(4)) return false; return true; } public boolean buildCheckLength(String tempCoord, int size) { // checks if coordinates represent ship that is longer or shorter than allowed "size" int differenceX = Math.abs(ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(0)) - ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(3))) + 1; int differenceY = Math.abs(ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(1)) - ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(4))) + 1; if (differenceX == 1 && differenceY == size) return true; if (differenceX == size && differenceY == 1) return true; return false; } public boolean buildCheckRounds(String tempCoord, int size) { // checks if coordinates represent ship that cannot be build on this place int[][] tempShips = buildGetTempShips(tempCoord, new int[size][2]); for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) { for (int i = 0; i < ROUND; i++) { if (this.round[i][0] == tempShips[x][0] && this.round[i][1] == tempShips[x][1]) return false; } } return true; } public void buildAddShips(String tempCoord, int size) { int[][] tempShips = buildGetTempShips(tempCoord, new int[size][2]); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { a: for (int j = 0; j < SHIPS; j++) { if (ships[j][0] == 0) { this.ships[j][0] = tempShips[i][0]; this.ships[j][1] = tempShips[i][1]; break a; } } } if (shift == 0) { // boardBuff update for (int i = 0; i < SHIPS; i++) { if (this.ships[i][0] != 0) { boardBuff[this.ships[i][0] + 1 + shift][this.ships[i][1] + 1] = shipShips; } } } } public void buildAddRound(String tempCoord, int size) { int[][] tempShips = buildGetTempShips(tempCoord, new int[size][2]); for (int j = (tempShips[0][1] - 1); j < (tempShips[size - 1][1] + 2); j++) { for (int i = (tempShips[0][0] - 1); i < (tempShips[size - 1][0] + 2); i++) { a: for (int k = 0; k < ROUND; k++) { if (round[k][0] == 0) { if (i > boardSize || i == 0) this.round[k][0] = -1; else this.round[k][0] = i; if (j > boardSize || j == 0) this.round[k][1] = -1; else this.round[k][1] = j; if (this.round[k][0] == -1) this.round[k][1] = -1; // helps to keep uniformity, if one coordinate marked as "-1" (out of field) second coordinate will also get value "-1" if (this.round[k][1] == -1) this.round[k][0] = -1; break a; } } } } if (shift == 0) { // boardBuff update for (int i = 0; i < ROUND; i++) { if (this.round[i][0] != 0) { if (this.round[i][0] != -1 && this.round[i][1] != -1) { boardBuff[this.round[i][0] + 1 + shift][this.round[i][1] + 1] = shipRound; } } } } } public int[][] buildGetTempShips(String tempCoord, int[][] tempShips) { int directionX = 1; int directionY = 1; int X = 0; int Y = 0; int X1 = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(0)); int X2 = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(3)); int Y1 = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(1)); int Y2 = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(4)); if (X2 > X1) { X = X1; } else if (X2 < X1) { X = X2; } else if (X2 == X1) { X = X1; directionX = 0; } if (Y2 > Y1) { Y = Y1; } else if (Y2 < Y1) { Y = Y2; } else if (Y2 == Y1) { Y = Y1; directionY = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < tempShips.length; i++) { tempShips[i][0] = (X + 1 + i * directionX); tempShips[i][1] = (Y + 1 + i * directionY); } return tempShips; } public void buildShipClear() { // clears "human" field before battle for (int j = 0; j < boardSize; j++) { // clears field for (int i = 0; i < boardSize; i++) { boardBuff[i + 2 + shift][j + 2] = shipEmpty; } } for (int i = 0; i < SHIPS; i++) { // adds ships to field boardBuff[this.ships[i][0] + 1 + shift][this.ships[i][1] + 1] = shipShips; } } public boolean moveHuman() { String tempCoord; boolean ok; errorLine = "No errors"; orderLine = "Enter coordinates where you want to shoot [" + ALPHA.charAt(0) + ALPHA.charAt(2) + "]: "; do { ok = true; this.putBoardBuff(); tempCoord = Read.string().toUpperCase(); // can process mixed case strings if (ok == true) ok = moveCheckCoord(tempCoord); // checks the quality of the input coordinates if (ok == true) ok = moveCheckShoot(tempCoord); // checks if the input coordinates were already entered earlier if (ok == true) ok = moveCheckRound(tempCoord); // checks if the input coordinates point to sank ship or its surroundings if (ok == true) { moveAddShoot(tempCoord); // adds point to "shoot" array if square that contains ship has been shot boolean shot = moveAddShips(tempCoord); // marks point in "ships" array as shot if it's shot moveAddRound(); // updates "round" array to absorb changes that happend in "ships" array moveUpdateBoardBuff(); if (shot) return true; else return false; } else { errorLine = "Your coordinates are wrong, try again..."; } } while (!ok); return false; } public boolean moveRobot() { // random point generator, avoids shot points and points around sank ships int X = 0; // "X" and "Y" are random numbers int Y = 0; boolean ok; char[] tempArray = new char[2]; // simulates human player's input style [AA] so the same check methods can be used do { ok = true; X = (int) (boardSize * Math.random()); // gets random number from "0" to "boardSize - 1" Y = (int) (boardSize * Math.random()); // gets random number from "0" to "boardSize - 1" tempArray[0] = ALPHA.charAt(X); tempArray[1] = ALPHA.charAt(Y); String tempCoord = new String(tempArray); if (ok == true) ok = moveCheckCoord(tempCoord); // checks the quality of the input coordinates if (ok == true) ok = moveCheckShoot(tempCoord); // checks if the input coordinates were already entered earlier if (ok == true) ok = moveCheckRound(tempCoord); // checks if the input coordinates point to sank ship or its surroundings if (ok == true) { moveAddShoot(tempCoord); // adds point to "shoot" array if square that contains ship has been shot boolean shot = moveAddShips(tempCoord); // marks point in "ships" array as shot if it's shot moveAddRound(); // updates "round" array to absorb changes that happend in "ships" array moveUpdateBoardBuff(); if (shot) return true; else return false; } } while (!ok); return false; } public boolean moveCheckCoord(String tempCoord) { // checks the quality of the input coordinates if (tempCoord.length() != 2) return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(0)) == -1) return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(1)) == -1) return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(0)) > (boardSize + 1)) return false; if (ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(1)) > (boardSize + 1)) return false; return true; } public boolean moveCheckShoot(String tempCoord) { // checks if the input coordinates were already entered earlier int X = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(0)); int Y = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(1)); if (this.shoot[X][Y] == 1) return false; return true; } // checks if the input coordinates point to sank ship or its surroundings public boolean moveCheckRound(String tempCoord) { int X = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(0)) + 1; // "+ 1" is here because in "ships" and "round" matrices coordinates begin with 1, not with 0 int Y = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(1)) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < ROUND; i++) { if (this.round[i][0] == X && this.round[i][1] == Y && this.round[i][2] == 1) return false; } return true; } public void moveAddShoot(String tempCoord) { // adds point to "shoot" array int X = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(0)); int Y = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(1)); this.shoot[X][Y] = 1; } public boolean moveAddShips(String tempCoord) { // marks point in "ships" array as shot if it's shot int X = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(0)) + 1; // "+ 1" is here because in ships and round matrices coordinates begin with 1, not with 0 int Y = ALPHA.indexOf(tempCoord.charAt(1)) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < SHIPS; i++) { if (ships[i][0] == X && ships[i][1] == Y) { ships[i][2] = 1; return true; } } return false; } public void moveAddRound() { // updates "round" array to absorb changes that happend in "ships" array if (this.ships[0][2] == 1 && // if ship is sank all places around it are marked as sank ship surroundings, shooting there is useless this.ships[1][2] == 1 && this.ships[2][2] == 1 && this.ships[3][2] == 1) for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) if (this.round[i][0] == -1) this.round[i][2] = -1; else this.round[i][2] = 1; if (this.ships[4][2] == 1 && this.ships[5][2] == 1 && this.ships[6][2] == 1) for (int i = 18; i < 33; i++) if (this.round[i][0] == -1) this.round[i][2] = -1; else this.round[i][2] = 1; if (this.ships[7][2] == 1 && this.ships[8][2] == 1 && this.ships[9][2] == 1) for (int i = 33; i < 48; i++) if (this.round[i][0] == -1) this.round[i][2] = -1; else this.round[i][2] = 1; if (this.ships[10][2] == 1 && this.ships[11][2] == 1) for (int i = 48; i < 60; i++) if (this.round[i][0] == -1) this.round[i][2] = -1; else this.round[i][2] = 1; if (this.ships[12][2] == 1 && this.ships[13][2] == 1) for (int i = 60; i < 72; i++) if (this.round[i][0] == -1) this.round[i][2] = -1; else this.round[i][2] = 1; if (this.ships[14][2] == 1 && this.ships[15][2] == 1) for (int i = 72; i < 84; i++) if (this.round[i][0] == -1) this.round[i][2] = -1; else this.round[i][2] = 1; if (this.ships[16][2] == 1) for (int i = 84; i < 93; i++) if (this.round[i][0] == -1) this.round[i][2] = -1; else this.round[i][2] = 1; if (this.ships[17][2] == 1) for (int i = 93; i < 102; i++) if (this.round[i][0] == -1) this.round[i][2] = -1; else this.round[i][2] = 1; if (this.ships[18][2] == 1) for (int i = 102; i < 111; i++) if (this.round[i][0] == -1) this.round[i][2] = -1; else this.round[i][2] = 1; if (this.ships[19][2] == 1) for (int i = 111; i < 120; i++) if (this.round[i][0] == -1) this.round[i][2] = -1; else this.round[i][2] = 1; } public boolean alive() { for (int i = 0; i < SHIPS; i++) if (this.ships[i][2] == 0) return true; return false; } public void end () { for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) System.out.println(); // clears screen if (shift == 0) { System.out.println("You won the battle against evil computer forces..."); } else System.out.println("Evil computer forces were too strong for you, brother. RIP..."); } public void moveUpdateBoardBuff() { for (int j = 0; j < boardSize; j++) { // performs rendering at three layers: first - shot points, second - points around sank ships, third - sank and wounded ships by themselves for (int i = 0; i < boardSize; i++) { if (this.shoot[i][j] == 1) boardBuff[i + 2 + shift][j + 2] = shipRound; } } for (int i = 0; i < ROUND; i++) { if (this.round[i][2] == 1) boardBuff[this.round[i][0] + 1 + shift][this.round[i][1] + 1] = shipRound; } for (int i = 0; i < SHIPS; i++) { if (this.ships[i][2] == 1) boardBuff[this.ships[i][0] + 1 + shift][this.ships[i][1] + 1] = shipShoot; } } public void putBoardBuff() { // prints game board, current errors and orders bars for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) System.out.println(); // clears screen System.out.print("NAVAL BATTLE\n"); System.out.print("COPYRIGHT BY JURI STOTSKI, 2000\n\n"); for (int j = 0; j < (boardSize + 3); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < (boardSize * 2 + 8); i++) { if (boardBuff[i][j] == 0) { // prints space if field is empty System.out.print(" "); } else System.out.print(boardBuff[i][j]); if (SPACE.equals("YES")) { // makes spacing if (i == 1 && j == 1) { System.out.print(lineX); continue; } if (i == 1 && j == (boardSize + 2)) { System.out.print(lineX); continue; } if (i == (boardSize + 6) && j == 1) { System.out.print(lineX); continue; } if (i == (boardSize + 6) && j == (boardSize + 2)) { System.out.print(lineX); continue; } if (boardBuff[i][j] == lineX) { System.out.print(lineX); } else {System.out.print(" ");} } } System.out.print("\n"); } System.out.print("\nERRORS: " + errorLine); System.out.print("\nORDERS: " + orderLine); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Naval Battle - Read class // version 1.0, build 29 // // Copyright 2000 Juri Stotski // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import*; public class Read { public static BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; public static String string() { String arvo = null; try { arvo = stdin.readLine(); } catch (Exception e) { return "Fail"; } // if (arvo == "exit") System.exit(1); return arvo; } public static int integer() { int arvo = -1; try { arvo = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine()); } catch (Exception e) { return 3141592; } return arvo; } }
Test run: